Thursday  August 26, 1999     Home      Chinese     TaiwanQuestion



China's Refutation

World Reaction

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Refuting Lee Teng-hui's Separatist Remarks
Latest Development

Lee Teng-hui Associates with Evil Elements of "Taiwan Independence"

"Two States" Remarks Threaten Peace in Asia-Pacific Region

People's Daily Lashes Out Lee Tung-hui's Remark

China's Culture Community Criticizes Lee Teng-hui's Words

Article Refutes "Two States" Statement

Change or Not, Lee Teng-hui's True Separatist Nature

Anti-China Bill Firmly Opposed, FM Spokesman

CAAC Blasts Lee Teng-hui's Splittist Remarks

Lee's Remarks Victimize Cross-Straits Trade, Economic Cooperation

People In Eastern China Criticize Lee's Separatist Remarks

"Two States" Remarks to Bring Calamity to Taiwan
The "two states" remarks deceive the Taiwan people by saying "the sovereignty of Taiwan belongs to the Taiwan people". In this way, it fools the Taiwan people into thinking that Lee wants them to become their own

Two-States Remarks Betray Taiwanese
Koo's sophistry about Lee's "two- states" remark reflecting the public opinion in Taiwan actually has the potential for causing social turbulence and goes against the interest of the Taiwanese people.      

China's Refutation
"Special Relations" Claim Fails to Conceal Splittist Nature
The "two-states" claim could be rather harmful and dangerous, because it has not only destroyed the foundation of political dialogue and negotiations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, but also goes against the will of most Taiwan people, who long for peace, stability and development.
Chinese Sports Circles Condemn Lee's "Two States" Statement

Lee's "two states" statement has fully exposed his ambition to split up the motherland, and has enraged Chinese people both at home and overseas, said Wu Shaozu, director of the General Administration of Sports.  More

International Reaction
UN Chief Reiterates "One China" Policy
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on July 28 reiterated that the United Nations upholds the "one China" policy.
Pyongyang Rejects Lee Teng-hui's "Two-States" Statement
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Wednesday criticized Lee Teng-hui's "two states" statement, saying that the DPRK supports China's stance on peaceful reunification of the country.

Copyright by People's Daily Online

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