People's Daily Lashes Out Lee Tung-hui's Remark

      People's Daily carries a signed article today refuting the "two states" remark of Taiwan's Lee Tung-hui, stressing the internationally accepted fact that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of it. This basic fact is safeguarded by the Chinese and widely recognized by the international community, it says, but some people in Taiwan have attempted to defend Lee Tung-hui and his " two-states" remark, saying that it was meant to improve the level of cross-Straits dialogues and to establish a democratic and peaceful system. The article says that this preposterous utterance is still negating the One China principle. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has always adhered to peaceful negotiations for the reunification of the country based on the One China principle which has served as the guideline in cross-Straits negotiations. Taiwan authorities would be entitled to equal positions in cross-Straits dialogues and negotiations if they abided by the One China policy and stood firmly against "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" ideas. The article mentions a series of CPC principles for the Taiwan issue since the early 1980s and says that what Lee has attempted is not to improve the level of cross-Straits dialogues but to up the level of divisiveness. The reunification of China is an interior issue, the article says. Taiwan has been part of Chinese territory for ages and has never been a sovereign country. This basic fact can not be changed by anyone, it says, and the reunification of the country could be peaceful under the One China principle. Under the principle, the position and level of Taiwan and the Mainland in negotiations are equal, and the form, name and place of negotiation can be flexible. Lee vainly hoped to deny the One China principle with his "two-states" remark, but alienated himself from the Chinese nation and from everything possible in peaceful negotiations. The article warns Lee that anyone attempting to negate the One China principle to divide the country will be a sinner in the eyes of the Chinese people who will not offer such a person any position or conduct any dialogue with him at any level. Lee was up to his old tricks in making the "two-states" remark, but he has forgotten two essential facts: that the Chinese people will make every effort to safeguard the integrity and sovereignty of the country, and that foreign countries have their own strategic interests that precede all decision making. The Chinese people as a whole will not allow Lee to gamble with the interests of Taiwan compatriots and anyone who tries to get foreign backing for his dirty tricks will come to a bad end, the article says. The article finally advises Lee to take back his remark, return to the One China position, and do what any Chinese honestly would do for the country's reunification. (Xinhua)