"Special Relations" Claim Fails to Conceal Splittist Nature: Article

BEIJING, August 4 (Xinhua) -- A signed article released by Xinhua News Agency today said that Lee Teng-hui's recent remarks on "special state-to-state relations" could not cover up the nature of his splittism.

As the premise and foundation for development of cross-Straits relations and the final reunification of China, the "one China" principle is worth neither distortion nor denial, the article by Li Yihu said.

However, Lee Teng-hui has redefined relations between the two sides as "state-to-state, or at least special state-to-state relations", publicly confronting, and even denying the "one China" principle.

The article pointed out that in spite of the word "special" utilized in Lee's statement, his true nature of splittism can not be concealed, because he has long followed the route of separatism, and this time he just stripped off the mask.

The "two-states" claim could be rather harmful and dangerous, the article warned, because it has not only destroyed the foundation of political dialogue and negotiations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, but also goes against the will of most Taiwan people, who long for peace, stability and development.

The process of pursuing the goal of national reunification is the process of realizing the principle of "one China", which has won approval from both the Chinese people and the international community.

The article once again urged Lee Teng-hui and the splittist forces in Taiwan not to underestimate the firm will and ability of the Chinese government and people to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.