"Two States" Remarks to Bring Calamity to Taiwan

The People's Daily is to carry a signed article on August 4, further refuting Lee Teng-hui's splittist remarks.

The article, signed by Huang Jiashu, says that Lee Teng-hui's " two states" remarks have neither historical evidence nor a legal basis to back it, and it will surely bring calamities to Taiwan.

Though Lee's remarks have been criticized by the Chinese worldwide, some Taiwanese have not recognized the nature of Lee's splittist remarks, the article says.

It points out that the "two states" remarks deceive the Taiwan people by saying "the sovereignty of Taiwan belongs to the Taiwan people". In this way, it fools the Taiwan people into thinking that Lee wants them to become their own masters.

Lee Teng-hui also cited that "the Communist Party of China (CPC) has never governed Taiwan since 1949" as part of its basic evidence.

The article says that, in fact, the taking over of Taiwan by " the government of the Republic of China" in 1945 from the Japanese was only possible because Taiwan has always been an alienable part of China's territory, and the resumption of China's sovereignty over Taiwan was based on the Cairo Declaration.

The article also refutes the so-called "effective rule" theory, stressing that though China has not achieved reunification, the fact that sovereignty over Taiwan belongs to China has never changed.
It says the Taiwan people's will to become their own masters and their desire for the reunification of the motherland have never contradicted each other.

The article predicts that Lee's splittist remarks will not bring security to Taiwan, but will damage the island province's economy and trade, and eventually bring calamities to the people of Taiwan.