Chinese Sports Circles Condemn Lee's "Two States" Statement

BEIJING, August 4 (Xinhua) -- People from Chinese sports circles gathered at a forum here today to condemn Lee Teng-hui's " two states" statement.

Lee's "two states" statement has fully exposed his ambition to split up the motherland, and has enraged Chinese people both at home and overseas, said Wu Shaozu, director of the General Administration of Sports.

Wu said that cross-straits sports exchanges have made big progress during the past 20 years. From 1989 to 1998, more than 2, 000 people from China's mainland have been to Taiwan for sports exchanges, while more than 20,000 people from Taiwan have come to the mainland for the same purpose.

He said that the "two states" statement is a serious setback for the healthy development of cross-straits sports exchanges.

Leading athletes, coaches and officials of various sports organizations also voiced their disapproval of Lee's "two states" statement at today's forum.