Monday, April 03, 2000 updated at  15:56

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China Fighting Against Flood

State Councilor Visits Flood-Damaged Parts Of Northwest China
State Councilor Ismail Amat asked government departments to be certain that people from flood- damaged parts of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have a safe winter.

Chinese Premier On Anti-Flood, Economic Work
Premier Zhu Rongji has urged local officials to prepare for possible flooding and to redouble efforts to secure the Yangtze River embankments.

Chinese Premier Calls for Redoubled Flood-Fighting Efforts on Yangtze River
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji urged people along the Yangtze River to maintain high vigilance and make careful inspections of the river embankments to ensure the safety of major cities and people's lives, during his visit to Hunan Province from July 23 to 25.

Chinese Premier Underlines Flood-Control Work
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji has called for increased efforts in flood control along the Yangtze River.

Water Rise Slowing on Yangtze's Lower Reaches
The rise of the water level on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River has slowed on July 22, but due to a prolonged rush of flood waters the banks and levees are facing more problems.

Red Cross Preparing Disaster Relief in China
The Chinese Red Cross Society ( CRCS) has begun its disaster relief work in flood-stricken areas along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Previous Stories:
Yangtze Water Level Rise Slowing
Anti-Flood Projects Around Taihu Lake Pay Off
Floods Again Suspend Xinjiang Railway Transportation
Flood-Hit Chinese Provinces Declare State of Emergency
130,000 Visitors Pass Three Gorges Dam Safely
Water Level at Wuhan Hits New High
Flooding on Middle Reaches of Yangtze River Worsens
Flooding in Jiangxi Getting Worse
Flood Threat Growing In Eastern Chinese Province

All Stories

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