Friday, July 23, 1999 updated at  10:54

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Poverty Relief --- A Solemn Pledge

About One Million Helped Out of Poverty in China
For the past several years, the whole army and police have conscientiously carried out the strategic aim set by the state departments concerned for eliminating poverty.

China to Help Another 20 Million People Escape Poverty
The Chinese government says it is determined to help another 20 million people get out of poverty by the end of next year, according to a senior Chinese official.

Jiang Calls for Greater Poverty-Relief Efforts
President Jiang Zemin called on the whole nation to step up their efforts to basically resolve the problem of food and clothing for the country's needy in rural areas by the year 2000.

Ningxia Steps Up Implementation of Four Major Help-the-Poor Projects
The Party committee and government of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region recently declared that this year the region will step up implementation of four major help-the-poor projects, conscientiously improve rural infrastructure facilities in Xihaigu Prefecture and guarantee achievement of the goal this year of basically solving the problem of getting enough food and clothing for the people in the prefecture as a whole.

Heilongjiang's Impoverished Areas Take On Much Improved Outlook
By now, rural per-capita net income in the 16 poverty-stricken counties of Heilongjiang Province has topped 1,500 yuan, an increase of 2.2 times the figure of 1993, the year before implementation of the plan for the arduous anti-poverty battle.

Chinese Ambassador: World Peace Key to Poverty Eradication
To safeguard world peace and establish a favorable external environment is essential for eradicating poverty and advancing the cause of protection of women, said Chinese Ambassador Qiao Zonghuai in Geneva on July 9.

CASS, Japanese Embassy Join Hands in Poverty Fight
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and the Japanese Embassy announced in Beijing on July 7 that they'll join hands in helping a northern Chinese county get rid of poverty.

FM Spokeswoman Refutes Allegation on China's Poverty-Relief Project
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue denied reports from Western media and Tibetan splittist organizations that China "assimilates Tibetans" in a resettlement project to be funded by the World Bank (WB).

Poverty Relief a 'Solemn Pledge'
China will be able to fulfil its commitment to providing adequate food and clothes to most of its impoverished rural population by 2000. People from all over China should join in the effort to win final success in the ambitious goal of eliminating poverty, President Jiang Zemin said on June 9 in Beijing.

"Spring Bud" Program Conducted Consultation Activity
Chinese Child and Youngster Fund conducted an on-spot hot line consulting activity concerning the "Spring Bud Aid" program in Huairou County of Beijing on June 13.

Unite As One to Tackle Difficult Anti-Poverty Task
Our newspaper, the People's Daily, today publishes an editorial calling for united efforts to tackle the difficult problem of eliminating poverty. The editorial says:

Tibet Benefits from Poverty-Relief Fund for Education
In the first year when "State Compulsory Education Project in Poverty-Stricken Areas" implemented in Tibet, a total of 73.63 million yuan from the fund was used in renovating and expansion of 52 middle and primary schools by the Central and local governments. The money invested and constructions completed have both exceeded the planned amount of the year.

China Sees Poverty-stricken Population Down to 42 Million
In the late 1970s, China's impoverished population accounted for one-fourth of the world's total; today, this proportion has dropped to one-10th.

China's Regional Poverty Relief Cooperation Fruitful
Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao said that cooperation in getting rid of poverty by more developed eastern parts of the country with underdeveloped western parts in China is achieving success.

Premier Zhu Rongji's Government Work Report (excerpts)
-- Promoting all-round development of agriculture and the rural economy;

Over 400 Primary Schools Built Up in Villages of Guizhou Province
Last year, Guizhou Province started to implement National Poverty-Stricken Area Compulsory Education Project.

China Intensifies Poverty-Relief Efforts For Handicapped
Greater effort is needed to reduce poverty and unemployment among China's handicapped people, according to State Councilor Ismail Amat on Feburary 10.

State to Guarantee Basic Urban Living Standards
The Ministry of Civil Affairs plans to accelerate the establishment of a minimum living standard system for Chinese urban dwellers.

Spring Bud Project Helps 75 0,000 Girls Over Ten Years
The Spring Bud Project aiming at giving aid to dropout girl students has received warm response and generous donation from abroad and people of all walks of life.

Wei Jianxing Calls on Trade Unions to Care for Workers in Difficulty
Trade unions in China should step up efforts to aid laid-off workers from State-owned enterprises and never let "unexpected tragedy happen to a single household in abject poverty," a top Chinese official said in Beijing January 27.

State to Help Ethnic Groups Out of Poverty
More assistance is being promised to help lift poor ethnic minority people out of poverty, an official of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission (SEAC), said on January 21 in Beijing.

China to Lift 10 million People Out Of Poverty
A senior Chinese official on January 20 called for the country's concerted effort to enable 10 million impoverished people to have access to adequate food and clothing by the year end and said fulfilling the task is crucial to achieving the country's overall plan of eliminating poverty by the year 2000.

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