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English>>China Society

Suizhou tomb robbers taken down

By Zhou Ping (Global Times)

08:38, November 06, 2012

Thirteen tomb raiders have been arrested and 198 ancient artifacts, some more than 2,000 years old and worth millions of yuan, have been recovered in Suizhou, Hubei Province, the provincial department of public security said over the weekend.

Among the cultural relics, eight are ranked under national standards as grade 1 artifacts, 36 are grade 2 objects and 104 are grade 3.

The 104 pieces grade-three piece alone are estimated to be worth over 100 million yuan ($16 million).

"We've recovered a large number of treasures by eradicating the crime ring that's been stealing cultural relics from ancient tombs," Chang Jun, a press officer from the public security bureau of Suizhou, told the Global Times Monday.

One of the grade 1 pieces, which sold for 1 million yuan and has been since recovered, is a bronze Ding vessel made around 600BC.

The city is renowned for its ancient treasures. A bianzhong, a musical instrument made up of a set of bronze bells from the Warring State period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (475BC-221BC) is the largest ever unearthed. It was found in 1978.

Chang Monday told the Global Times the case is still under investigation.

"It helped us net major members of the crime group. Grave robbing has not been fundamentally solved, as every year we handle two or three small cases," Chang added.

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