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English>>Foreign Affairs

Man sentenced for attack on Chinese Consulate General office in Japan


08:55, November 20, 2012

OSAKA, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- A man was sentenced to one year and six months in prison with a three-year reprieve by the Fukuoka District Court in Fukuoka City, southwestern Japan, on Monday for obstructing business at the Chinese Consulate General in the city, local press reported.

The court found construction worker Yuya Fujita, who claimed to be a member of a right wing political group, guilty of forcible obstruction of business because he threw two smoke bombs onto the premises of the Chinese Consulate General on Sept. 17.

Fujita pleaded guilty during the first trial held last week when the local prosecutor demanded one year and six months' imprisonment.

At the time of the attack, several personnel were at the office. No damage to the building has been reported.

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