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Ex UK Chief Education Advisor on talent's education in China (2)

By Li Xiang (People's Daily Online)

11:53, January 11, 2013

Sir Michael Barber gives speech at China's education forum on Jan. 10, 2013.(People's Daily Online/Li Xiang)

Inspiring ideas proposed at the forum

Education experts from different organizations came together to join the 2013 forum on China Education in Beijing Thursday. The forum focused on China's talents in the 21st century and challenges faced by China's education in transforming its own school education.

As the Chief Education Advisor of Pearson and also the former Chief Advisor in education for the U.K. government, Sir Michael Barber has made an inspiring speech "challenges of the 21st century demand a redefinition of education goals". His framework and several proposes have aroused response and debate among the attendees.

Well-educated= E (K+T+L) framework

The framework is one of equation Michael Barber has proposed to define what well-educated means for the 21st century. He described what students should know and be able to do as E (K+T+L). The equation expressed what Sir Michael Barber thinks of as the well educated and that's what need for success in the 21st century is.

K is for knowledge. Knowledge has two aspects - knowing what and knowing how. knowing what is content and knowing how is skill. Most schools in China are good at K.

T is for thinking. It's not enough to have the knowledge; we need to think, we emphasize more on school teaching children on different thinking, thinking logically and deductively is clearly an important skill, but also thinking creatively and inductively and imaginatively.

L is for leadership. It means being able to influence people around you, instead of just leading a big organization.

Outside the bracket, there is an E which stands for Ethics, for understanding the values. When children leave school, they need knowledge, they need to be able to think, they need to be able to influence people to be leaders, and they need ethical underpinning. It is a set of values which will enable them to succeed in life.

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