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Ten trends of Chinese Internet in 2012 (II) (2)

(People's Daily Online)

08:15, January 05, 2013

8. Micro-blog and WeChat took the lead; social media is booming

In 2012, over 400 million Chinese people use social network and the number of micro-blog websites for government affairs has exceeded 60,000.

During the 18th CPC National Congress, micro-blogs became an important tool for the Party representatives to communicate with Internet users. Hundreds of foreign government agencies also opened micro-blogs in China.

Micro-blog has become the most important social media in China. It is worth noting that over 80 percent of micro-blog users log in the website by mobile terminal in 2012.

Compared with wired Internet, intelligent terminal provides more channels for mobile social network. For example, the number of users of WeChat, which was released in 2011, has exceeded 100 million in March 2012 and then doubled after less than six months.

9. Self-discipline of search industry

A search engine war between Baidu and Qihoo 360 had triggered discussions about issues on technology, industry agreements and privacy and security of users.

Organized by Internet Society of China, 12 enterprises including Baidu, Sogou, Qihoo 360, Tencent, Netease, Sina, Jike jointly signed a self-discipline pact for search engine providers on Nov. 1, 2012, agreeing to consciously comply with the spirit of Internet, the international industry practices and fair competition and protect users’ interests.

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