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English>>China Politics

China ready to enhance communication (2)

By Xin Dingding and Yang Yao (China Daily)

08:39, December 19, 2012

Foreign reporters said they hope more facilities will be provided to assist their reporting on China in the coming year.

Eric Baculinao, Beijing bureau chief of NBC News Worldwide LLC, said that the past year has been an important year for the US and China, and the next year will mean new challenges for reporters.

"We will do more reporting about China under the new leadership. We hope that there will be more conveniences for us to report on issues that are important for both countries. I look forward to a more productive year in China in terms of news reporting from here, but this will depend on how convenient it will be for us," he said.

Kor Kian Beng, a correspondent with the Singapore-based The Straits Times, said he expects to have more opportunities to attend important conferences and see different parts of China.

Chi Zhang, a producer with Brussels-based VRT Nieuws, has worked in China since 2008, and said he hopes to travel to different parts of the country. He attended a media trip to the Ningxia Hui autonomous region last year and produced a TV program on the Hui ethnic group, local wind power plants and control of the deserts, which was "inspiring and eye-opening".

"Next year we will keep focusing on people's livelihoods, economic development, rural development and anti-corruption. I would like more chances to go to various parts of China for reporting," he said.

【1】 【2】

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