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English>>China Society

A survey on lunch in Beijing's primary schools (2)

(People's Daily Online)

14:12, December 06, 2012


Current situation

Delivery companies distribute lunches to 200,000 pupils

Sweet and sour pork with pineapple, braised eggplants, stir-fried eggs with vegetables, egg drop soup, rice and pastry were put on the menu of Haidian Experiment Primary School last week. Reportedly, Beijing pupil's lunch generally contains meats and vegetables, with different recipes very week, which reflects "balanced diet and rational nutrition" to some extent. In order to allow parents to make effective supervision, schools would publish lunch menus online, inform them of the lunch in short daily messages, and ask representatives of parents to select food suppliers. Even so, some parents are still not sure about their children's lunch by only browsing the menus.

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