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English>>China Society

High price of being a ‘money boy’ (5)

By Yin Lu  (Global Times)

16:26, November 30, 2012

An intelligent, articulate man, Xiao has considered going into marketing or hotel management.

Using money he earned as an MB, Xiao has already bought two apartments - one in his hometown and one in Hebei Province - and insists he is ready to settle down.

Like most MBs, Xiao keeps his job and sexuality secret from his family and friends. His parents, who still believe he works as a hotel manager in Beijing, have pressured him to marry his long-term girlfriend.

"If I marry her, I will be tormented by my conscious," Xiao said of his girlfriend, who is unaware of his career as an MB and his sexual orientation.

Xiao's situation is complicated by the fact he has broken one of the golden rules of being an MB: falling for a client.

Xiao's feelings for a regular client, a married, white-collar worker whose wife is currently pregnant, changed when he began feeling guilty accepting money for sexual services.

"A man shouldn't just live for himself. He should live for his family. My father has been diagnosed with a brain disease. Last time I saw him, he couldn't speak clearly and tried to gesticulate at me," said Xiao, pausing to reflect on his words.

"My mother told me, 'don't make your father leave this world without a grandchild.'"

Xiao hopes he can find a woman who will openly accept his bisexuality and his past as an MB.

"I want to find such a woman, love her sincerely and talk about everything with her. My current lifestyle is too tiring," Xiao said.

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