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English>>China Society

High price of being a ‘money boy’ (2)

By Yin Lu  (Global Times)

16:26, November 30, 2012

Newcomers to the industry face a more brutal situation. And sometimes they go entire weeks without having a client.

During the periodic police anti-prostitution campaigns, streetwalkers will not risk getting caught, and their online advertisements will be taken down and even their websites will be shut down, Zhu noted.

Due to their unstable income, most MBs live in cheap apartments they share with colleagues.

Catering to all ages and tastes

Most MBs advertise their services online, while some work at clubs, even though at the latter they can only earn about half as much money for their services. Some MBs who are college students or white-collar workers only work part-time.

To work as an MB does not require men to be young or good-looking. "The youngest MB we know is only 16, while the oldest is 68," said Guo Ziyang, 26, founder and director of BZICC.

"Actually, more and more men over 35 are becoming MBs."

Some transgender workers wear makeup and high heels with wigs to cater to the tastes of their clients.

"Any person walking by you could be a sex worker," Guo told Metro Beijing.

"They are ordinary people trying to survive, just like everyone else," said Guo.

Often neglected or even invisible to society, an increasing number of male sex workers in recent years have relocated to the capital to earn a living.

"Many MBs choose Beijing to be their starting point. We have come into contact with at least 2,000 homosexual and transgender sex workers since 2007," said Guo.

Discrimination in HIV/AIDS treatment

Apart from the great workload and pressure from authorities, the MBs are also faced with the high risk of being infected with sexually-transmitted diseases, in particular, HIV/AIDS, since they have multiple sex partners due to the nature of their occupation and in some cases, some clients even call for sexual intercourse without protective measures.

"Some MBs are forced by their clients not to wear condoms," said Guo.

"But generally speaking, the rate of condom usage among MBs is very high."

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