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English>>Life & Culture

Film 'The Hobbit': Flight of fantasy (2)

By Lu Qianwen (Global Times)

11:23, November 30, 2012

Later Yilin apologized on its website and said it would publish the complete version.

To obtain publishing rights, Wang said they had to get authorization from two foreign institutions. "One is the Tolkien Estate... and the other is Warner Brothers Entertainment, which authorized us some screen images that we use for our cover designs and illustrations," she said.

Translation challenges

The Hobbit was originally meant to be a book of fireside stories that Tolkien wrote to his children. Since being published for the first time in 1937, it has been translated into 64 languages and has sold more than 100 million copies. It is now considered one of the classics of 20th century literature.

Readers of Tolkien's works were amazed at the massive and mysterious world he created, where exotic languages are spoken by various groups, such as Elves who speak Quenya and Sindarin.

Actually there are a total of 15 different languages used in The Lord of the Rings. From the vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, Tolkien's languages all obey strict and systemic rules of language composition.

Tolkien himself showed a great talent for languages when he was young. He learned ancient English, Germanic languages, Welsh and Gothic language when he was studying at Cambridge University.

"Translation of Tolkien's works is a great challenge and places high demand on the translators' knowledge of the fantastic world Tolkien created, as well as those ancient and exotic languages," said Wang. "To avoid inconsistent translation of certain names and sayings, we have one translator responsible for one whole book," she added.

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