Xi offers Chinese approach to strengthen BRICS cooperation

(People's Daily Online) 13:26, October 28, 2024

As the world is undergoing dramatic changes, the 16th BRICS Summit, the first such gathering since the expansion of BRICS, was held in Kazan, Russia.

Should we let the world spiral into chaos and disorder, or should we work towards restoring peace and progress? The perspectives and actions of BRICS countries are shedding light on this crucial question.

"This reminds me of a novel by Nikolay Chernyshevsky entitled 'What Is to Be Done?'. The protagonist's unwavering determination and passionate drive are exactly the kind of willpower we need today," Chinese President Xi Jinping said in an important speech he delivered at the 16th BRICS Summit on Oct. 23.

BRICS countries should build a BRICS committed to peace, innovation, green development, justice and closer people-to-people exchanges, President Xi said.

"We must work together to build BRICS into a primary channel for strengthening solidarity and cooperation among Global South nations and a vanguard for advancing global governance reform," he added.

In the changing and turbulent international environment, the world yearns for peace and stability more than ever. "We should build a BRICS committed to peace, and we must all act as defenders of common security," Xi said. China's commitment to peace inspires all.

The Ukraine crisis still persists. "We must uphold the three key principles: no expansion of the battlefields, no escalation of hostilities, and no fanning flames, and strive for swift de-escalation of the situation," said the Chinese President.

While the humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, the flames of war have once again been rekindled in Lebanon. "We must promote an immediate ceasefire and an end to the killing. We must make unremitting efforts toward a comprehensive, just and lasting resolution of the Palestinian question," said Xi.

China has raised proposals and taken actions.

China and Brazil, in collaboration with other countries from the Global South, initiated a group of Friends for Peace to address the Ukraine crisis. China convened an extraordinary video summit on the Palestinian-Israeli issue together with other BRICS countries.

China advocates for global peace and acts as a driving force for the world economy.

How to promote high-quality development?

Cultivating new quality productive forces is China's exploration and practice. During the Kazan summit, President Xi pointed out that "We should build a BRICS committed to innovation, and we must all act as pioneers of high-quality development."

China has set up a China-BRICS science and innovation incubation park for the new era, jointly established a BRICS Framework on Industrial Cooperation for Sustainable Development with other BRICS countries, and launched a China-BRICS Artificial Intelligence Development and Cooperation Center.

In the future, China will establish a BRICS Deep-Sea Resources International Research Center, a China Center for Cooperation on Development of Special Economic Zones in BRICS Countries, a China Center for BRICS Industrial Competencies, and a BRICS Digital Ecosystem Cooperation Network.

Various initiatives are being implemented to help BRICS countries tap into new opportunities for mutual benefit and cooperation, enabling them to better inspire one another on the path toward development and revitalization.

"Green is the defining color of our times. It is important that all BRICS countries proactively embrace the global trend of green and low-carbon transformation," President Xi said.

Focusing on sustainable and long-term development, President Xi said that BRICS countries should build a BRICS committed to green development, and act as promoters of sustainable development.

Collectively, exports of China's "new trio," electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products surpassed 1 trillion yuan (about $140.6 billion) for the first time in 2023. These high-quality products drive China's economic growth and support global green development.

For BRICS countries and the Global South, expanding cooperation in green industries, clean energy, and sustainable mining is key to advancing industrialization and modernization. This not only allows them to seize opportunities for development but also helps them avoid the Western model of development and achieve sustainable development.

Reforming the global governance system is a responsibility of BRICS countries.

"We should build a BRICS committed to justice, and we must all act as forerunners in reforming global governance," Xi said. After the expansion, BRICS countries account for nearly half of the global population and one-fifth of global trade, becoming an important force in promoting the evolution of the international landscape.

The current developments make the reform of the international financial architecture all the more pressing, Xi said.

"We should deepen fiscal and financial cooperation, promote the connectivity of our financial infrastructure, and apply high standards of financial security. The New Development Bank should be expanded and strengthened. We must ensure that the international financial system more effectively reflects the changes in the global economic landscape," Xi pointed out.

"We should build a BRICS committed to closer people-to-people exchanges," Xi said.

The initiative for BRICS digital education cooperation proposed by President Xi last year has received wide recognition and was further implemented at the 11th BRICS Education Ministers Meeting.

China will implement a capacity-building program for BRICS digital education. It will open 10 learning centers in BRICS countries in the next five years, and provide training opportunities for 1,000 local education administrators, teachers and students. This will be a tangible step to deepen and strengthen people-to-people exchanges among BRICS countries.

(Web editor: Hongyu, Liang Jun)


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