Entrepreneur in SW China's Chongqing gives hearing-impaired people power to better communicate with world

By Wu Chengliang, Su Yingxiang, Zhong Wenxing, Liu Yi, Xiang Shijia (People's Daily Online) 18:33, May 23, 2024

Tian Ye receives an interview with People's Daily Online. (People's Daily Online/Zhong Wenxing)

During a quiet yet spirited discussion in an office of a startup in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, a hearing-impaired entrepreneur named Tian Ye and his team are ideating strategies to help the hearing-impaired community better appreciate cultural artifacts.

Tian's company, Chongqing Yuermeng Technology Co., Ltd., has developed a platform for sharing the culture of and knowledge about the hearing-impaired community, as well as a sign language dictionary.

The company offers 8,000 educational sign language videos and has introduced a barrier-free sign language guide system for public venues. This system is already being used in nine museums in Chongqing, benefiting more than 10 million people.

Tian Ye works in his office. (People's Daily Online/Zhong Wenxing)

Ninety percent of Tian's team members, many of whom graduated from Chongqing Normal University (CNU), are hearing-impaired. They are committed to addressing the communication and information challenges faced by the hearing-impaired community, and providing them with convenient information support.

During the development of the sign language guide system, Tian and his team prioritized the challenges faced by the hearing-impaired community and their needs, ensuring accurate and easily understandable sign language explanations. After extensive research and improvements, the team successfully developed the guide system.

Looking ahead, Tian aims to work together with more museums and public institutions across the country to meet the information needs of disabled people.

Tian Ye uses sign language to introduce his company. (People's Daily Online/Zhong Wenxing)

He envisions expanding the guide system beyond Chongqing, providing greater convenience and equal opportunities for the hearing-impaired community to engage in dialogue with the world.

Tian aspires to not only enhance the quality of life for the hearing-impaired community through information products and services but also to provide them with more opportunities for social integration.

Tian and his company have received several honors, including Tian being named the Entrepreneur of the Year for Chongqing in 2022. (People's Daily Online/Wu Chengliang)

Tan Yun, a hearing-impaired sign language interpreter from Tian's team, graduated from the School of Educational Sciences at CNU in 2020. She was a volunteer for a sign language volunteer service project at the university, which provided volunteer interpreting services for Tian's company.

"During her time as a sign language teacher under the volunteer service project, Tan trained many people who were able to hear as sign language interpreting volunteers and improved her own sign language skills. After graduation, she became a professional sign language interpreter. She has offered interpreting services at places such as Chongqing Natural History Museum, showcasing exceptional sign language abilities," said Liang Yuyin, a teacher from the Department of Special Education at the School of Educational Sciences, CNU.

"People with hearing impairments possess an incredible capacity to achieve anything, with the exception of hearing," said Tian.

(Web editor: Hongyu, Du Mingming)


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