
Imposing trade restriction measures in name of "de-risking" to bring more risks: FM spokesperson

(Xinhua) 21:04, December 12, 2023

BEIJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on Tuesday said that some countries have been pushing for decoupling and severing of supply chains under the pretext of security, and imposing trade restriction measures in the name of "de-risking." This will only make the world even less safe and bring more risks.

It is reported that IMF First Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath said on Dec. 11 that around 3,000 trade restricting measures were imposed last year, nearly three times the number imposed in 2019. If the global economy fragments into two blocs, the global losses are estimated to be about 2.5 to 7 percent of global GDP.

In response to a related query, spokesperson Mao Ning told a daily news briefing that trade protectionism is not conducive to the free flow of factors including goods, services and capital, distorts resource allocation, and undermines consumers' interests. It does no good to the production efficiency and the recovery and development of the world economy.

What is concerning is that some countries have been pushing for decoupling and severing of supply chains under the pretext of security, and imposing trade restriction measures in the name of "de-risking." This will only make the world even less safe and bring more risks, she said.

Mao said, as Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed, in an increasingly interdependent and integrated world where countries form a community of shared interests, openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation are the only viable option.

China is always committed to building an open world economy and steadfastly promoting high-level opening-up, she said, adding that China always believes that absence of cooperation is the biggest risk and failure to develop is the biggest security threat.

China stands ready to work with all parties to realize common development and prosperity through equal consultation and mutually beneficial cooperation, Mao said.

(Web editor: Zhang Wenjie, Wu Chaolan)


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