13-year-olds become first twins to swim across China's Qiongzhou Strait

(People's Daily Online) 17:53, August 29, 2023

13-year-old twin brother and sister Zhao Ziqian and Zhao Qinman from Dongguan, south China's Guangdong Province, enter the water off Xinbu Island in Haikou city, south China's Hainan Province, to take part in a swimming challenge across the Qiongzhou Strait, which lies between the island province of Hainan and the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong. (Photo courtesy of the interviewees)

On Aug. 21 at 10:58 a.m., 13-year-old twin brother and sister Zhao Ziqian and Zhao Qinman from Dongguan, south China's Guangdong Province, successfully swam across the country's Qiongzhou Strait, becoming the first set of twins to achieve the swimming feat.

Zhao Qinman, the younger sister of a pair of 13-year-old twin brother and sister from Dongguan, south China's Guangdong Province, battles waves during a swimming challenge across the Qiongzhou Strait, which lies between the southern Chinese island province of Hainan and the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

They were also the first among the 84th batch of challengers to reach the shore in the attempt to swim across the Qiongzhou Strait, which spans approximately 20 kilometers at its narrowest point.

A total of six challengers from Dongguan took part in the activity. They entered the waters off Xinbu Island in Haikou city, Hainan, under the escort of local teams, beginning their challenge at 4:34 a.m. on Aug. 21.

According to Zhao Ziqian, the older brother, challengers could replenish their energy with bottled water, bananas, chocolate and other food thrown down to them from escort ships every 40-60 minutes.

Zhao Ziqian, the older brother of 13-year-old brother and sister twins from Dongguan, south China's Guangdong Province, takes part in a swimming challenge across the Qiongzhou Strait, which lies between the southern Chinese island province of Hainan and the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

“We started learning how to swim in second grade,” said Zhao Ziqian, explaining that he and his sister had been training for six years and met the standards for national second-class swimming athletes.

When asked how he felt after completing the challenge, Zhao Ziqian said, “I was not tired at all. I even played a ball game that night.”

The twins' parents accompanied and cheered them on throughout the journey. Their father, a former soldier, said that he sent his children to swimming classes to help them build toughness and resilience.

13-year-old twin brother and sister Zhao Ziqian and Zhao Qinman from Dongguan, south China's Guangdong Province, pose for a photo after successfully reaching the shore during a swimming challenge across the Qiongzhou Strait, which lies between the southern Chinese island province of Hainan and the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong. (Photo courtesy of the interviewees)

The Qiongzhou Strait, which lies between the southern Chinese island province of Hainan and the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong, is dubbed the “Mount Qomolangma of the sea” by swimming enthusiasts. According to credible sources, the Qiongzhou Strait crossing is one of the most coveted challenges for swimming enthusiasts worldwide.

(Web editor: Hongyu, Du Mingming)


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