
Chinese ambassador calls for justice on Zheng Shaoxiong's death

(CGTN) 11:17, November 19, 2021

Chinese ambassador to the United States Qin Gang expressed condolences on the death of Zheng Shaoxiong and called for justice for the 24-year-old student.

Shocked and dismayed by the murder, Qin Gang on Thursday posted on Twitter:"Chinese Consulate General in Chicago is helping them deal with the aftermath. We call for justice in his case and protection of Chinese in U.S. from hatred and xenophobia."

Zheng Shaoxiong just graduated from the University of Chicago and was killed in a robbery near the campus.

Zheng was walking on a sidewalk to his rented room in Hyde Park neighborhood at around 1:54 p.m. (1954 GMT) on November 9, when 18-year-old Alton Spann approached him and demanded property with a gun. Zheng was shot in the chest and pronounced dead after being taken to University of Chicago Hospital.

(With input from Xinhua)

(Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun)


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