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Sixth question to American politicians: Aren’t you aware of what you have done?

(People's Daily Online)    14:57, May 12, 2020

On Mother's Day, which fell on May 10 this year, an American netizen pointed out on a social media platform that 80,040 American mothers had lost family members in the epidemic, thanks to the poor leadership qualities of U.S. President Donald Trump.

Facing complaints from the American people and doubts in the international community, U.S. officials have failed to come up with effective anti-pandemic measures or convincing evidence in blaming China.

Instead, they have insisted on holding China accountable for the pneumonia outbreak, which is absolutely absurd.

China is also a victim of the pandemic. As the international medical community and U.S. intelligence agencies have already announced, the novel coronavirus was a result of natural causes and not genetically engineered.

Despite all the science and facts, some U.S. politicians have continuously spread the rumor that the virus was made in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, just at a time when the international community is in urgent need of cooperation.

If a virus is believed to have originated in the country where it was first reported, does that mean HIV comes from America? Was the U.S. ever held responsible when HIV was spreading across the world?

In fact, one mayor in the U.S. has said that he was infected with the novel coronavirus last November. Four months before that, a fatal respiratory disease broke out in a community near the Fort Detrick lab in the U.S., as reported by the American Broadcasting Company.

However, the U.S. government has refused to publish the patients’ test results, which leads people to wonder whether it is afraid that the virus will turn out to have been released from the laboratory.

Meanwhile, some Americans have repeatedly accused China of covering up the pandemic, fantasizing that this will excuse them from their own incompetence.

The truth remains that China shared pandemic-related information with the U.S 30 times from Jan. 3 to Feb. 3, something that the U.S. government has never denied.

What some U.S. officials are hesitant to admit is that they dropped the ball themselves. The U.S. detected the first pneumonia case on Jan. 20, but it was only in March 13 that Trump declared a national emergency over coronavirus. One thing is for sure: some U.S. politicians severely underestimated the risks at the beginning of the outbreak.

Meanwhile, the White House has been busy trying to salvage Trump’s presidency, as he lives in hope that the virus will magically disappear.

The White House has on more than one occasion ignored the warnings from American intelligence agencies and Trump has repeatedly rejected proposals made by professional departments in the U.S. to implement social isolation, according to a report released by the New York Times on April 8.

It is quite clear that the seriousness of the epidemic situation in the U.S. is the result of poor governance from some officials. It is dishonest and irresponsible for some U.S. politicians to pass the buck to China.

Related reading:

First question to American politicians: Do elderly people have the right to life?

Second question to American politicians: Is this what you call ‘human rights’?

Third question to American politicians: Can lives be saved by attacking China?

Fourth question to American politicians: Why not fix your sick and twisted mind first?

Fifth question to American politicians: Aren’t you afraid that passing the buck to China will backfire?


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji)

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