Wed,Sep 24,2014
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Editor's Pick

Social Good Summit 2014 kicks off in Beijing (6)

By Gao Yinan (People's Daily Online)    13:35, September 24, 2014
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#Say No to Forced Smoking is a BMGF-led social media campaign which is in collaboration with institutional partners committed to anti-smoking campaigns, calling to raise public awareness on harms of tobacco and bravely say no to forced smoking. China takes the top spot in the world in terms of tobacco consumption and production, where 30 million smokers account for one third of the world’s total. Moreover, there are approximately 740 million Chinese are exposed to second-hand smoke (SHS), and nearly 1.2 million people die due to smoking-related diseases each year. #Say No to Forced Smoking will encourage the public in the form of reward on innovations to participate in communicating harms of passive smoking and share novel ideas for the initiative through social media platforms like Weibo and WeChat. More details will be published in the second half of October. Please follow the Gates Foundation official Weibo or WeChat
(Editor:Gao Yinan、Zhang Qian)
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