Tuesday, October 02, 2001, updated at 09:57(GMT+8)
Gulf States Unfold Joint Navy Exercises
The six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states unfolded their long-delayed navy exercises on Monday, according to the Kuwaiti military sources.
Up to 14 warships are taking part in the operation code named " Solidarity 7," the biggest joint GCC drills in Kuwaiti territorial waters.
The exercises, which will run through mid-October, kicked off at the Sheikh Mohammed Ahmed Sabah naval base. The first day of the war games also involved two aircraft from the Kuwaiti army.
The maneuvers are aimed to manifest the inter-GCC unity, a joint defence strategy and collective deterrence, the Kuwaiti military sources said.
As part of the GCC's joint defense pact, the exercises were originally scheduled to begin in 1990. The plan was postponed because of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in the year, the military sources disclosed.