The Shanghai information harbor key project, that involves a total investment of 1.55 billion yuan and covers seven basic, indicative and crucial projects, namely, intensive information pipe line, broadband IP city Intranet, Unicom data network, China Telecom broadband network renovation, cable TV network two-way renovation, broadband information interactive center and super computer center, has been completed. This indicates that a broadband, high rate, multi-functional information harbor framework has taken shape in the municipality.
The information harbor has enabled governments, enterprises and individuals not only to surf the Internet smartly, but also to freely choose the internet access method and service category. Previously, enterprises could only use DDN to go online, but now they can choose ATM or IP networks; there were no alternatives for netizens to connect the Internet except for the use of telephone lines, but now they can freely choose wired, two-way, broadband or ADSL for insertion, This change has not only immensely raised the Internet access speed, but has helped save time and money.
The completion of the information harbor and the daily perfection of its infrastructure facilities will yield tremendous economic and social effects.
In addition, with the entry of broadband network into residential community, intelligent residential quarters and smart buildings have mushroomed, it is no longer a remote dream for ordinary people to enjoy digital TV, digital library, long-distance education, online stock transaction, etc.
The Shanghai information harbor key project, that covers seven basic, indicative and crucial projects, namely, intensive information pipe line, broadband IP city Intranet, Unicom data network, China Telecom broadband network renovation, cable TV network two-way renovation, broadband information interactive center and super computer center, has been completed.