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Tuesday, May 23, 2000, updated at 17:11(GMT+8)

Book on West China Development Published

The book on the development of west China, which was edited by many experts and scholars, was published recently by the People's Publishing House.

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was in charge of the compilation of the book. Zeng Peiyan, minister of State Development Planning Commission, serves as the chief consultant. Leading members and famous experts of the western provinces, autonomic regions and municipalities are advisors.

The book consists of four volumes: "Volume of Strategic Guide", "Volume of Development Plan", "Volume of Local Strategy", and "Volume of Historical Lessons" with altogether 4 million wording. It also includes related research reports of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and some commissions and ministries, provinces and cities

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The book on the development of west China, which was edited by many experts and scholars, was published recently by the People's Publishing House.

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