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China to continue to patrol in Diaoyu Islands

(People's Daily Online)

08:25, January 11, 2013

BEIJING, Jan. 10 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to carry out regular patrols over its territorial waters off China's Diaoyu Islands and the South China Sea, the State Oceanic Administration said on Thursday.

China will continue to oppose any infringement on the country's sovereignty over territorial waters by Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines, said Liu Caigui, director with the administration at a national conference on maritime work.

"Faced with a sharper and more complicated situation, we will take more responsibilities to steadfastly maintain the country's maritime rights and interests," Liu said.

China will also repair damaged territorial sea base points, complete a maritime name list of the waters off the South China Sea, and carry out research in the demarcation of the 200-nautical miles outer continental shelf, the administration said.

In 2012, China released the standardized names as well as maritime base lines and points of the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets, according to Liu.

Vessels and planes have patrolled the territorial waters off the Diaoyu Islands during the last four months, and the marine surveillance fleet rescued fishermen who were harassed by a Filipino warship in April 2012, Liu added.

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