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English>>China Society

Capital re-signs old slogans

By Liu Meng (Global Times)

09:06, November 09, 2012

A resident passes a sign at the bus station saying "voluntarily queue up, be civilized" on Queue Day, which falls on the 11th day of every month.

Residents who forget to flush will now be reminded to be kind to fellow public toilet-users by quotes from pop song lyrics, and people who love to shout into their cellphones at inappropriate times will be exhorted to go silent.

It is the latest attempt by municipal authorities to improve the behavior of the capital's citizens by thinking up new slogans which are more appealing to a modern age.

Tang Zhihua, from the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, told the Global Times Thursday that by March next year, there will be 100,000 of the new signs on display in public places, including shops, airports, hotels and residential communities.

Tang, who is the director of the publicity department of the society construction work office under the committee, said that Beijing is still not as civilized as is desired.

The move to introduce the new mottos in more public places will make it easier for the public to receive guidance about any potential bad behavior, he said. They are less preachy in tone, which is why trendy words and song lyrics have been used.

"I don't think bad behavior will disappear if the slogans have bossy wordings," said Tang.

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