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Scientists find evidence of sunken "continent"


16:35, May 10, 2013

An artist's conception shows the city of Atlantis as it has been envisioned in legend. (CNTV)

Scientists say they have found evidence of a sunken land mass off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Could it be the lost city of Atlantis?

The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and the Geology Service of Brazil, made this announcement Tuesday. A large mass of granite has been discovered at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, about 900 miles from the coast of Rio. Granite, which normally forms only on dry land, is strong evidence that a continent used to exist in the area.

According to legend, the island of Atlantis was home to a highly developed civilization, and sank into the sea around 12,000 years ago. No trace of it has ever been found.

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