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Su Bingtian set new Chinese national record in men's 60m sprint


20:33, March 06, 2013

NANJING, March 6 (Xinhua) -- China's top sprinter Su Bingtian broke his own national record in men's 60m dash at the country's indoor athletics championships here on Wednesday.

The 23-year-old levelled the national record of 6.56 seconds set by himself in 2011 in the preliminary round in the morning, and went on to improve the old mark by 0.01 second in the afternoon's final.

The world record of 6.39 was set by American sprinter Maurice Greene in Atlanta on March 3, 2001 while the Asian record belongs to Qatar's Talal MansourAl-Rahim, who was timed 6.51 on March 3, 1993.

Su is considered as one of the most talented sprinters in China. In the 2012 London Olympic Games, he became the first Chinese to make into the semifinals of men's 100m race in Olympic history.

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