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Li was able to keep it together while talking to the world media, but when she got one-on-one with our CCTV colleagues, all that she had bottled up, came flooding out. Saturday, wasn’t just a big day on the court for the Chinese star, but off it as well, as it was the 7th wedding anniversary for Li and her husband Jiang Shan. Li Na said, "I actually wanted to win the championship for my husband Jiang Shan as a gift. I have already tried my best. Though it’s a pity, I have already tried my best, so I can forgive myself.”“It’s a long time for me to come from my worst time to now....where I can play on the Australian Open court, battling for the title. Someone who hasn’t ever experienced what I have, couldn’t know what I have suffered. My team and my friends may know. It’s really a difficult time for me, but they couldn’t really know the pain I have had.”“I was very close to the championship today. Though I leave without being the champion, it’s also good for me. My form is back. I am still eager for the championships.”“The Australian Open is finished, I can’t change the result. So I will concern myself with upcoming matches. I cared too much about winning or losing before, but after today’s match...because I have tried my best...I am proud of myself."
People on way home during Spring Festival travel rush