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China's property market seems destined for better days in 2013 (4)

By Cherry Cao (Shanghai Daily)

08:07, December 17, 2012

As for the idea of Chinese authorities expanding property tax authorization to other areas of the country, most analysts say they don't foresee any imminent move in that direction in the next year.

"As we've seen, trial operations of the tax in Shanghai and Chongqing since early last year have so far had very limited impact on home prices because the rates were rather insignificant," said Song Huiyong, a research director at Shanghai Centaline Property Consultants Ltd, operator of the city's largest estate chain by transaction value.

"Personally, I don't expect a massive introduction of similar programs around the country over the next 12 months, before more useful experience can be gained," he added.

Home prices in second- and third-tier cities might encounter some headwinds due to high inventories and insufficient demand, but in top-tier cities like Shanghai, they will remain very stable and likely to pick up some strength, Song said.

Real estate broker Sun thinks along the same lines.

"My income this year should surpass last year's by at least 50 percent," Sun said, without disclosing the exact sum. "Basically, I feel very upbeat for next year's property market because there's still robust demand from end-users."

In an industry where many players were suffering some lean and hungry times not all that long ago, that's reason enough to work 12 hours a day.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】

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