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English>>China Business

Audio: Managing the Generation Y Workforce in China

(People's Daily Online)

10:08, November 27, 2012


China is just about to cross the very important threshold of moving into a $4500-5000 GDP per capita. Historically cross this threshold comes with societal demand for more. And recent research confirms that Generation Y members, who now make up over 60% of the workforce in China, do have very different and more diverse expectations and demands than their predecessors.

Today we invite Elisa Mallis, an experienced Executive Coach and Human Capital Consultant based in Beijing, to speak about developing a culture that will tap the full potential of the Generation Y workforce in China.

Elisa is currently the Chair of Human Resources Forum of European Chamber of Commerce in China; she has worked in the area of executive development across the United States, Europe and Asia over the last 12 years - with over 700 coaching hours. Prior to that, she spent 10 years at Accenture, working as a Management Consultant in the areas of human capital strategy, talent management, coaching and leadership effectiveness.

Produced by Z. H. Studio

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