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World Blood Donor Day celebrated


10:24, June 15, 2013

The world health organization says, in poor countries up to 65% of blood transfusions are given to children under the age of five; while in developed nations, the demand for blood transfusion is huge among patients over 65 years of age. (CNTV)

The World Health organization has launched an aggressive campaign to ensure countries across the globe attain a 100% supply of blood from unpaid donors by 2020. Millions of donors turned out across the globe to give blood as the organization marked the 10th Anniversary of World Blood Donor Day.

At the Heart of Nairobi, Terry Njanja , Patiently undergoes the process of donating blood. This is the sixth time she has volunteered to give her blood.

"Maybe one day I’ll need blood and I will not be able to donate and others will do it for me," blood donor Terry Njanja said.

And that is what has motivated first time donors like 18 year old Arrabel Angina.

"Maybe someone needs blood and the family does not have the means, so I’m hoping this will," blood donor Arrabel Angina said.

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