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PLAN taskforce back to Qingdao after high-sea training

(China Military Online)

08:55, June 14, 2013

BEIJING, June 13 (ChinaMil) -- The three-warship high-sea-training taskforce under the North China Sea Fleet of the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLAN) came back to Qingdao in east China's Shandong province on the afternoon of June 10, 2013 after successfully completing its training mission at waters of the Western Pacific Ocean. This is the fifth high-sea-training mission for the PLAN in 2013.

The high-sea-training taskforce with more than 700 officers and men on board consisted of the guided-missile destroyer "Qingdao", the guided-missile frigate "Linyi" and the comprehensive supply ship "Hongze Lake" as well as two shipboard helicopters. It came back to its home port through the Osumi Strait after the 17-day and 5,000-odd-nautical-mile-long training since its departure on May 25, 2013, after passing through the waters including the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the Miyako Strait under complex sailing conditions such as heavy fog, strong winds and large waves.

Under conditions close to actual combat, the high-sea-training taskforce aimed at the around-the-clock seamless training, as evidenced by the blocking of the "blue army" soon after the taskforce left its home port. The taskforce adopted many means to carry out high-intensity confrontation against the "blue army". In addition, it successively carried out actual-combat drills on many subjects including maritime confrontation between ship groups, maritime interception while maneuvering, maritime blockade and control in important sea areas, anti-submarine and air-defense trainings, and over-the-horizon missile attacks under the guidance of helicopters, which comprehensively improved the ocean maneuvering operation capability of the taskforce.

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