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Azerbaijan dismisses reports on purchasing arms from DPRK


14:30, May 21, 2013

BAKU, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry on Monday denied reports on the possible purchase of weapons by the country from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

"Recently a number of media outlets, in reference to a UN report, propagated information stating that Azerbaijan allegedly buys weapons from the DPRK. This information does not reflect reality," Foreign Ministry spokesman Elman Abdullayev said.

The foreign ministry has started an investigation on how this information was reflected in the report of the United Nations, he said.

According to AP, a UN panel of experts has recommended in a new report sanctions against the Hesong Trading Corporation, a subsidiary of the Korea Mining Development Trading Corp., which was involved in trying to sell 70 DPRK portable anti-aircraft missiles to Azerbaijan.

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