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Eight Algerian soldiers injured in gas field siege


15:23, January 24, 2013

ALGIERS, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- Eight Algerian soldiers were injured during a siege on a gas field facility in In Amenas of southern Algeria to rescue 790 workers detained by an armed group, the defense ministry said in statement on Wednesday.

The statement carried by the official APS news agency said " eight soldiers were slightly injured according to a final figure ( of the hostage rescue operation)," adding that "the majority of them have resumed service."

Last week, the Algerian Special Forces stormed three days in a row a gas field facility to rescue the abducted workers, including 134 foreigners of 26 nationalities, detained by an armed group of 32 militants.

The operation, which ended on Saturday, left 37 hostages and 29 militants killed and arrested three militants, while five people are still missing, according to Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal.

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