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Ethiopian PM visits Beijing Foreign Studies University (2)

By Wang Jinxue (People's Daily Online)

16:50, June 14, 2013

Group photo. (Guo Wei/Beijing Foreign Studies University)

Ato Hailemariam Desalegn, prime minister of F. D. R. of Ethiopia and the chairperson of the African Union, visited Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) today, and gave a speech with the theme “China-Africa new strategic partnership and friendship for development and transformation”. Desalegn arrived in Beijing on Wednesday for a four-day visit.

Zhai Jun, vice minister of foreign affairs, Hao Ping, vice minister of education and other distinguished guests including 50 African ambassadors to China attended the event.

Desalegn elaborated on connotations and great significance of China-Africa new strategic partnership from both historical and present angles, and pointed out the new challenges and problems they are facing.

Desalegn said that Ethiopia welcomes Chinese firms to invest in the country, and pledged to protect Chinese interests.

Desalegn hailed China's important role in boosting African peace, stability and development, saying Ethiopia will make efforts to further develop Africa-China relations.

After the speech, Prime Minister Desalegn and Professor Yang Xueyi, Chairman of the University Council of BFSU unveiled the Research Center for African Languages and Cultures of BFSU.

Professor Han Zhen, President of BFSU, said in his welcome remarks that the university is going to offer a new course on Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia in this September.

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