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China will continue with reforms, peaceful development: President Xi (3)


17:28, March 20, 2013


Responding to a question from Brazil's newspaper Valor Economico on his personal life and work, Xi admitted it is indeed not easy to govern a country with 1.3 billion people.

"To get to know the situation is already a difficult task," he said.

Xi said to accumulate experience and professional knowledge and enhance skills and capabilities in the course of practice is essential to doing one's job well, he said.

"Running such a big country with so many people and so complex national conditions, we, the leaders of China need to be fully aware of China's reality and aspirations of the people, and treat our responsibilities with utmost care as if we are walking on thin ice or standing on the edge of an abyss," Xi added.

Speaking of his own workload, Xi said he hardly has time to himself.

"Naturally, I prioritize my tasks. Many hands make light work. Within the central leadership, we have an effective set of work mechanisms. We each have our own responsibilities and at the same time, we work together in concert to ensure that the job gets done and done well," Xi said.

"Although I am very busy, I try to find some leisure time. Whenever there is time, I would get together with my family," he added.

On his hobbies, Xi said he loves reading most, which has become a way of his life.

He said he is a sports fan, and likes swimming and mountain-climbing, adding he used to play football and volleyball when he was young.

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