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Dashilar Hutong: Tripping through Time (3)

By William Wang (CRI Online)

16:01, February 01, 2013

Most passersby overlook Qianshi Hutong, the narrowest hutong on the planet. [photo: Wang]

Continuing west across Meishi Street, history becomes much easier to ascertain, notable in the dilapidated tea house once frequented by late famous Chinese writer Lu Xun, or the weathered remains of centuries-old hotels. The farther the distance from Qianmen, the thinner the crowd, and the less intrusive the stores and hawkers. A number of buzzing cafes and restaurants convincingly give history its nod, while some locally-run spots offer no-frills local cuisine. One local fruit vendor said, "There are some centuries-old stores here in Dashilar, like Tongrentang, Neilianshen and Liubiju. It's a place to eat, drink and play."

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