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English>>China Society

Who should be blamed for no one giving way to ambulances? (2)

(People's Daily Online)

08:41, December 13, 2012

No giving way to ambulances, which led to delay in rescuing patients, the drivers may bear the "debt of conscience." However, giving way to ambulances is not only drivers' moral obligation but also their legal obligation. According to the Road Traffic Safety Law, vehicles including police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles can use sirens and identification lamps when they are performing an urgent task and are free from the restrictions of driving routes, directions, speeds and signal lights. Other vehicles and pedestrians must give way to them. Otherwise, they shall be punished by law. The Public Security Administration Punishment Law stipulates: Anyone or vehicles impeding the implementation of urgent tasks shall be given a punishment of warning or fined below 200 yuan. If circumstances are serious, they will be detained for 5 to 10 days and fined below 500 yuan.

Today, it is not difficult to find vehicles not giving way as there are so many cameras on the roads. The traffic police department should treat it seriously. Of course, the relevant rules of road also need to be improved. For example, there must be specific provisions about giving way to special vehicles. According to German Highway Code, any other vehicles must give way when an emergency vehicle rings sirens, with cars on left lane closing to the left and that of right lane closing to the right. The Road Traffic Safety Law of China is also necessary to formulate detailed provisions and include them in the required courses for driving school.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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