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English>>China Society

Pedicab drivers use secret signals to outwit law enforcers (2)

By Zhang Zihan (Global Times)

10:22, December 03, 2012

A 42-year-old pedicab driver, surnamed Zhang, confirmed the use of walkie-talkies is now common practice.

"Walkie-talkies make it easier for us to dodge the chengguan. I bought one for 100 yuan ($16) and it's really worth it, because if I'm caught [driving], I'd have to pay a 1,000-yuan fine," said Zhang, who comes from Shangqiu, Henan Province.

Zhang said his monthly income is around 3,000 yuan, so taking one third of the money away is unacceptable, and his vehicle will be impounded for two weeks.

"I paid 4,500 yuan for my vehicle, it's my property, and I don't want them to take it away," said Zhang.

A resident who lives in Jianwai Soho in Chaoyang district, surnamed Zhao, said he believes the government should provide more public transportation rather than banish the pedicabs.

【1】 【2】 【3】


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