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Skeptism to China's carrier-borne jet should be mute (2)


10:07, November 28, 2012

With years of research and experiment, China has already made breakthroughs in manufacturing home-made turbofan engines which provides high-performance home-made fighter jets with a strong "heart."

On Sunday, chief of the J-15 project Luo Yang died of heart attack on the carrier's voyage return to base after the landing exercise, which gives a mournful example of how hard Chinese scientific personnel have worked under high pressure.

Those with ulterior motives should never underestimate China's capabilities of independent innovation in national defense technologies.

China developed nuclear weapons and artificial satellites when the country was still in poverty and hardship. It has also made significant breakthroughs in a series of key technologies, including the manned space program.

Undoubtedly, the history of mankind is a process of learning from each other, borrowing ideas mutually and developing one's own technologies by absorbing other's advantages.

China has spread its own wisdom and civilization throughout the world such as the "four great inventions," and no one criticized that other countries copied the Chinese.

But some countries have long remained hostile and precautious toward China. They constantly fabricate sayings of "military spy" and "technical plagiarism" and speaking negatively of China with the purpose of extending technological blockade and halting the country's development of advanced military science.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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