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US not a bystander of Israeli-Palestinian conflict (2)

(People's Daily Online)

08:12, November 27, 2012

It is unrealistic to expect the two sides to resume peace talks on their own, so the external driving factors are very important. Given the cause of Palestinian-Israeli issue and special relations between Israel and the United States, the influence of United States in this regard cannot be underestimated.

As a major external force that can exert considerable influence on Israel and Palestine, the United States has remained inactive for quite a long time. It has cracked down terrorism with the help of its Middle East allies since the September 11 attack. The Palestinian-Israeli issue has been gradually marginalized in U.S. Middle East policy. As the country gradually shifts its strategic focus back to the Asia-Pacific region, some experts advise to reduce input in the Middle East.

However, the recent conflict shows that without external intervention, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will continue to erupt periodically. In order to be a good mediator, the United States must have necessary input and handle the issue in a steady and impartial manner. The recent wave of anti-American protects sweeping across the Middle East shows a sharp decline of the U.S. credibility.
The Palestinian-Israeli issue is mainly handled among the United States, Israel and Palestine. Israel and Palestine are the main characters in the conflict while the United States takes the lead in solving the issue. Relations among the three countries have been out of balance for a long time, which is an important reason for the worsening situation.

The United States is not a bystander of Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. It must rethink its policy and play a constructive role in solving the issue.

Read the Chinese version: 美国不是巴以冲突的旁观者, source: People's Daily, author: Zhong Sheng

【1】 【2】

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