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English>>China Society

HIV patient to sue hospital over cancer op refusal (5)

By Yin Yeping and Xie Wenting (Global Times)

10:32, November 22, 2012

Liang Kunxian, from Beijing Lianggao Law Firm, said that forging a case of illness is illegal since it may endanger public safety. If convicted of this crime, a person could face up to three years in jail, said Liang.

"If a hospital refuses to treat an HIV/AIDS patient, it is considered discrimination, but there is no punishment in law for this," Liang said.

"The chance of Xiao Feng winning his lawsuit against the hospital is low, as there is no law to force hospitals to treat an AIDS patient," said Liang.

There are three hospitals in Beijing designated to treat HIV/AIDS patients for free, including Ditan Hospital, Beijing Youan Hospital of Capital Medical University and Peking Union Medical College Hospital, the Beijing Daily reported in July 2009.

But these hospitals also often refuse patients, said Meng Lin, who is HIV-positive and works for the China Alliance of People Living with HIV/AIDS.

"Their range of medical treatment is not as broad as ordinary hospitals, which means that some diseases can't be treated there," he said.

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