Xiao Feng was originally refused treatment at Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital in early October after they discovered his HIV-positive status, said Li.
"Although he contacted the local health bureau [in Tianjin] for help, there was no response," Li said.
"He then came to Beijing to ask for treatment at Ditan Hospital and was also rejected," said Li.
Beijing Ditan Hospital of Capital Medical University specializes in infectious disease, however it is not a cancer center and could not perform the necessary operation, said Li.
Xiao Feng approached Li for help on November 8. Li advised him to forge the medical record from Tianjin Cancer Institute to show he was HIV-negative, so he would not be tested again.
Another Tianjin hospital did operate on Xiao Feng, and although it was unaware of Xiao Feng's status, they have now informed the hospital, said Li, who would not reveal the hospital's name.
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