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English>>Foreign Affairs

Wen says China-Cambodia relations good example of friendly neighboring ties (2)


10:12, November 19, 2012

Wen said the meetings for East Asian leaders are being held against the backdrop of a weakening global economic recovery and complicated international and regional circumstances.

All parties should focus on the theme of cooperation and development and build consensus so as to make concerted efforts to address difficulties and challenges, Wen said.

Wen also said that as ASEAN's rotating presidency and the host country of the meetings, Cambodia had done a lot of work for coordination and preparation, adding that China would do its best to support Cambodia in hosting the meetings and push East Asian cooperation to develop in a healthy and stable way.

Hun Sen said Cambodia would like to closely cooperate with China, expressing the hope that all parties would work together in the spirit of solidarity and cooperation to make the meetings successful.

After their talks, Wen and Hun Sen attended the signing ceremony for bilateral cooperation documents, including the agreement on bilateral economic and technological cooperation.

【1】 【2】

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