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Political settlement the only solution to Syrian crisis (2)

(People's Daily Online)

17:10, November 07, 2012

The effective solution of Syrian crisis tests the courage and sincerity of all parties in Syrian conflicts to rebuild peace, and the capability of the U. N. Security Council to maintain the global peace. China advocates that cease fire is the first step of political settlement of Syrian crisis, and building the most basic mutual trust is the key to political settlement. The political settlement of Syrian crisis is of vital importance to the fundamental and long-term interests of the Syrian people and the peace and stability of Syria and even the entire Middle East.

The influence of big countries cannot be ignored on the Syrian issue. The strategic mutual trust and cooperation between them are closely related to changes in the situation of Syrian and Middle East, as well as the stable development of international relations. The solution of Syrian crisis requires the joint efforts of international community. Only by respecting the reality and exerting positive impacts on parties of Syria can the political settlement of Syrian crisis be realized.

China seeks no private interests and proposes political settlement of Syrian issue by keeping in touch with all parties of Syria. It suggests that, with the help of Brahimi, all parities of Syria map out a political transition plan and establish a transitional management organization, which is feasible to the political settlement of Syrian crisis.

History proves that political solution is in line with the fundamental and long-term interests of the Syrian people and plays a key role in stabilizing the regional situation. China's efforts will stand the test of time. Building an independent, stable, peaceful, advanced and prosperous country is the expectation of the Syrian people about their own country and sincere wishes of China and the world towards Syria.

Read the Chinese version: 政治途径:解决叙危机的唯一出路, source: China Military Online, author: Wu Sike

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