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English>>China Society

Labor force 'at turning point' (4)

By Chen Xin (China Daily)

08:15, November 06, 2012

Structural problems

Trying to address a profound structural problem in the labor market, with university graduates having a hard time getting a job, even as businesses have difficulty recruiting workers and technicians, Cai suggests an adjustment to higher education according to the demand of the labor market.

For example, updated manufacturing sectors could provide more knowledge and technology-oriented jobs such as product innovation and design, marketing and technical services that suit university graduates, he said.

More than 10 million jobs were created in China in the first three quarters of this year, surpassing the target of 9 million set for the year, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

The registered unemployment rate in urban areas was 4.1 percent at the end of September, the same as at the end of 2011, said the ministry.

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