
Call for submissions: Share your stories about China

(People's Daily) 19:00, February 26, 2024

Amity between people holds the key to sound relations between states. The foundation of state-to-state relations lies in the people and the source of strength lies in the friendship between the people.

Today, we're excited to launch the "Me and China" writing campaign, a joint effort by People's Daily and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. We're inviting everyone from all over the world to share your happy memories of China and its people.

We're looking for any stories about your experiences in China or interactions with Chinese friends. Make sure your stories are clear, accurate, and engaging.

Entries must be original articles that have not been publicly published or released, or posted on the Internet. You can send your work in Chinese or any other language, but if your work isn't in Chinese, please include a Chinese or English translation.

Keep your submission under 3,000 characters if it's in Chinese or translated into Chinese. The English version should not exceed 2,500 words. The length of entry in other languages should refer to the character limit in its translated Chinese version. Also, feel free to include photos, videos, or other materials with your story.

Please email your entry to meandchina@peopledaily.cn. Put "Me and China" in the email subject and include a contact number. Make sure to send your entry by May 25, 2024.

We'll select the best stories to publish in the "Me and China" column of People's Daily in Chinese, after editing and translation. The English versions will appear on the English channel of the People's Daily Online website and in the People's Daily English Language App. Authors of published works will be paid.

After the publication, we will select several outstanding works and present the authors with certificates and prizes.

People's Daily,

Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries,

Feb. 27, 2024

(Web editor: Chang Sha, Du Mingming)
